Our major services can be categorized as analytical, psychometric, discrimination, surveys, data mining, and error analysis, though there is a lot of overlap among these areas. Furthermore, we perform several social services for our disabled subscribers, including periodic surveys of individuals with disabilities, a disability blog, disability statistics, and disability products.
We also will be developing a disability registry where subscribers will have the opportunity to participate in surveys and research studies, on a voluntary and confidential basis of course. Many visitors want to know more about disabilities and find the site page article on What is Considered to be a Disability useful.
Analytical procedures are tailored to the specific needs of the customer and are normally selected after a comprehensive literature review and study of the existing problem. We are ready to conduct any type of data analysis needed, whether it is a simple descriptive analysis of an existing database or the development of a survey and analysis of results. We develop experimental designs and research studies that best answer your research questions.
Our analysts have many years of experience in developing and validating psychometric instruments for business, government, and education. We have worked with panels of educators and other professionals in developing and reviewing items, we have conducted standard setting, we have conducted multiple types of item analyses in test development and review and we have employed appropriate sampling methodologies where necessary.
In an area very dear to us, we have worked with disabled populations in resolving discrimination issues, whether the disability discrimination results from discriminatory written, verbal, or performance tests or from selective advertising for jobs, or from inappropriate background checks. We have extensive EEOC experience and input from several legal experts.
Surveys serve as gateways to the minds of your consumers and it is important that they be constructed carefully and field-tested. We can develop disability surveys to your specifications and we will have you as a major input in their development. We will survey the population you require using appropriate demographics and analyze the results. Surveys are an important tool in research and often their results can change one’s research approach in unexpected but useful ways.
Data Mining
Data Mining is an extremely useful but often misused tool in business. Any researcher can find significant results by analyzing a large set of data but only a skilled researcher will be able to tease out the meaning of those results. We don’t want our clients spending money on what appears as a significant result but is really an anomaly. It happens and the larger the database and the number of variables, the more likely it will happen.
Error Analysis
Error analysis is so often overlooked in research studies that it is difficult to find a study that doesn’t contain several errors. While we can’t promise we won’t make an error, we do go to extraordinary degrees to avoid them. Who wants the embarrassment of having to admit to making an error in an important study, especially a published study. Again, it happens more than one wants to admit.