An Analytical Research and Design Company
Disability Researchers is part of Cogentica, a service disabled veteran owned business established in March 2015. We are dedicated to providing exemplary analytical research and statistical support either as a prime contractor or subcontractor.
Our analysts have either Ph.D. or Masters degrees with a combination of old school and new school analytical experience. We can perform secure analytical and data analysis work from our homes or office and we tailor our work to your needs, adjusting procedures as requested or needed during the work cycle.
We are also a disability advocate and we conduct national and regional disability surveys to stay attune of the latest public perceptions of individuals with disabilities and barriers they face as they contribute to the vitality of our social fabric. Our surveys also lend to disability research which you will find in our survey results section of this site as well as in white papers. We also have a disability blog to directly communicate with our disabled members.
Many of our subscribers have also requested that we provide more disability equipment on our site for purchase so we are including more wheelchairs and walkers that you can review in our Disability Products page should you want to compare to other sites or if you would like to purchase.
We are also putting articles of interest to the disabled on the site periodically with the articles on disabled social isolation, disability discrimination, anxiety disorders, and what is considered a disability being very popular. The recent very short article on life expectancy has also attracted many visitors.
As we serve our subscribers and the disabled people who visit our site, I want to remind all that we encourage your input in emails to our link. You can request that we include specific equipment or content on our site. Though we are a bit overwhelmed at the moment, we do get to our emails and read them. Nobody knows the disabled and their needs better than the disabled themselves.
Our vision is quite simple, we want to conduct analytical research and disability advocacy that will enhance the lives of disabled people and do it in the most cost effective manner possible. The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) opened a new chapter for disabled people and we want to help in our own way to successfully help in its implementation.
In the spirit of the ADA, we want to eliminate the disability stereotypes and discrimination that have plagued the social acceptance and social integration of the disabled into our country’s social fabric. Since we are an altruistic organization, our goal is to return more to the disabled people we serve than to ourselves. We invite individuals with disabilities to join our mailing list and to participate in our surveys and blog.
- Research Design
- Multilevel Modeling
- Survey Research
- Psychometrics
- Employment Discrimination
- Longitudinal Modeling
- Employee Assessment
- Forecasting
- Data Analysis
- EEOC Compliance
- Social Visibility for the Disabled
- Disability Blog
- Analytical Research
- Disability Statistics
- Disability Survey
- Disability Studies
- Disability Products
- Disability Advocacy